Key dates for 2025 to start Medicine courses in 2026

Date Event
January Register for the GAMSAT (for details visit ACER's GAMSAT website)
1-2 March and 21-23 March GAMSAT March testing windows
April Order academic transcripts if you attended (at any time) a university not participating in ARTS (Automated Results Transfer System). This includes tertiary studies you undertook overseas, including while on exchange or study abroad programs.
early April Medicine Admission Guide published on the GEMSAS website
early May Applications open for Medicine at all GEMSAS medical schools
30 May Applications close at 5pm (AEST) for Medicine at all GEMSAS medical schools
6 June GEMSAS application payments close at 5pm (AEST)
16 June

Supporting documents uploaded and/or emailed to the relevant email address for academic, school specific and rurality claims.

  • Uploaded, includes a scanned copy of your original academic transcripts and English Language Competency documentation, if required.
  • Emailed, includes documents in support of rurality claims and school-specific claims e.g. Deakin adjustments (bonuses).

Please check the Medicine Admissions Guide for dates. Due dates may vary for some medical schools.

early September Interview offers released
September/October Interviews held
end of October/early November Release of place offers to start Medicine courses in the following year
November 2025/December 2025/January 2026 Additional place offers made to fill vacancies in Medicine courses